The courts look at several conditions when measuring the amount of bail and the type of bond to be provided by the defendant. The judge will consider and conduct themselves upon the following criteria:
First, the amount of bail shall not be unjust
When a person is charged with a transgression punishable by fine only, the amount of bail shall not exceed the amount of the maximum penalty. Although there are many, one variable in determining bail amounts is the defendant’s current employment status and history. Directly related to that is his present financial condition. Bail cannot be set at an amount that would be oppressive. This is why you may see high bail amounts that scare many people away from looking at them as an option.
Family is important
They are a vital support system, which is why the nature and extent of these relationships can weigh heavily on the court’s decision. The identity of persons who agree to help you in attending court at the proper time and endorse a positive character reference and reputation play a part in that decision. As well, the current and former households can influence the court’s final decision by knowing if the defendant has strong ties to the community and is not likely to flee the jurisdiction.
The defendant’s criminal record
Probably most obviously, the defendant’s prior criminal record plays an extensive part in determining the bail bond amount, along with the current offense charged, the probability of conviction, and the likely sentence. This could be if the defendant has previously been released pending trial, and whether he appeared as required. Prior actions can help you or hurt you in this process.
What sets us apart from other bail bond companies is our experience and our compassion. Of course, our clients come to Dennis Blackwell Bail Bonds to get out of jail faster but at the same time, we understand that many who reach out to us have no previous experience with bail bonds. We will help you through the process and maintain the utmost discretion with your case. Contact us now at Dennis Blackwell Bail Bonds and let us know how we can help. We are here 24/7 for you and if you prefer to call, we can be reached at 719-390-3930.
About the author : Dennis Blackwell
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